Published on May 2, 2009 By kenwas In WinCustomize Talk

It seems to me that for the past several months, this site limps through the week and pretty much collapses every weekend.  Yep, I know of the new version is being worked on but that is a tired excuse.  With poor ID in FLA and Jafo on the other side of the planet how much can they be expected to fix? I never see other folks acknowledging the issue or responding the way Zoomba or Andrew used to do.  Maybe its just me!


Comments (Page 4)
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on May 04, 2009

It will all come out in the wash

on May 04, 2009

I learned long ago its " just a website "

It's more to me.  It's family and friends.

(even people with evil squiggles)

on May 04, 2009

Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.

It's family and friends.

Your family and friends are getting the run around.

on May 04, 2009

A passive position is certainly better than frustration for one's state of being. Every now and then though, it becomes frustrating to remain passive! (heheheheheheh), especially in a catch 22 situation.

Ken, your one of the nicest people I have met here. You know my take on all this....I think you wrote a good post.

(even people with evil squiggles)

The squiggle remains evil

Your family and friends are getting the run around.


on May 04, 2009

(even people with evil squiggles)

Ya gotta love it. That's an order!

on May 04, 2009

I learned long ago its " just a website "

It's more to me.  It's family and friends.

(even people with evil squiggles)
Night Train
Patience is not passive; on the contrary, it is active; it is concentrated strength.

It's family and friends.

Your family and friends are getting the run around.

How about your take on the OT, Zubaz? I understand your feelings for the Community, and they are laudable. I don't contest them in the least. How about an answer?

I am concerned about the issues raised by Ken, and I expressed them earlier in the thread. Can't anyone give a substatative answer to the questions raised, or was my prediction about no one giving a real answer dead on?

on May 04, 2009

I am concerned about the issues raised by Ken, and I expressed them earlier in the thread. Can't anyone give a substatative answer to the questions raised, or was my prediction about no one giving a real answer dead on?
I can respond to a degree (the best of my ability).

Wincustomize (not the forums) is getting lots of love.  Resources have been allocated and have done work on the new WC.  As you are probably aware though, Stardock is a small shop and as other projects pop up they take resources so things get moved.  Demigod has taken a lot of unexpected time is a good example of that.

But there have been lots of fixes even to the WC forums that have been discovered because of the increased traffic on the Demigod site.

Does that answer?

on May 04, 2009

Partially. Why does WC always go down on the weekends? Many of us note how slow the site is compared to other SD sites.

Look, Zu we're customers too. Not as big a share of SD profits, but we'd really like to know why WC going down on weekends is so predictable...

No one here blames any person or group of people for this. All we're asking is not to be kept in the dark.

If maintenance is planned, let us know. If a server is broken/'s ok to tell us. If servers are taken off line for wharever, maybe we'll plan differently to be online, etc. at different times.

Basically, it's a matter of consideration. I think if things weren't put off again and again, and if the site was more functional it'd be different. I think most folks have put up with a lot and subscribed and resubscribed showing a lot of loyalty. Is it so much to ask for consideration? I don't think so.

on May 05, 2009

Why does WC always go down on the weekends?

It's not actually 'always'....however it's more likely to be apparent on a weekend as Stardock still pretends valiantly to be a 9 to 5, Monday to Friday affair.....

....but I know for a fact they are often putting in 48 hour days, 8 days a week.  The times they are still actually present in the office is just plain silly, honestly.  I know I might be up till 3am doing things....but that's usually to fit in with US time ....but these guys are just plain bonkers [or committed].....[or should be....]...

On the odd occasion the 'right person' with the 'right pair of size nines' [to kick the squirrels into line] is taking a little time off on the weekends when a server sneezes and one or more sites catch the cold.....that's then you see the squirrels in the treadmills all outside having a fag....

More often than not, though.....they're back at work before they need to open a new pack.

It's no biggie, really....

on May 05, 2009

Do you think the new WC [whenever that happens] will solve the problem, or is it a function of the number of hands?

on May 05, 2009

I check on the site regularly throughout the weekend, and it's been working throughout the past month.  Saying it's going down every weekend is a bit of a stretch.  Being that most people are in the office throughout the work week, response times are faster if an issue comes up.

If I have an advanced notice about downtime, slowness, etc, I will put up an announcement.  However, problems and site issues aren't scheduled, and we react to them as they happen.

Right now, resources are going into the new WinCustomize.  I can't say when it will be released as delays have happened, and priorities have come up, but it is being developed.  We have to prioritize net development to both ongoing and future products, and with the subscription drive netting barely 25% of it's goal, dev resources are being allocated as much a they can.


on May 05, 2009

It's not actually 'always'....however it's more likely to be apparent on a weekend as Stardock still pretends valiantly to be a 9 to 5, Monday to Friday affair..


The internet is a 24/7 world.  How about a staggered work week, still 40 hrs but some with a Wed to Monday week?  Many companies function this way to provide good customer service.

It's no biggie, really....

In the eyes of the beholder.  WC is the least reliable of all the sites I work with and if that is no biggie, certainly there should be no quandry as to the lack of subscriptions.  Back to Fuzzy's catch 22.

on May 05, 2009

Saying it's going down every weekend is a bit of a stretch.

I don't think so. I wouldn't have posted this if I hadn't experienced it, and neither would several others.

on May 05, 2009

....but I know for a fact they are often putting in 48 hour days, 8 days a week.

kenwas....actually THAT's the part you are supposed to notice....

on May 05, 2009

I check on the site regularly throughout the weekend, and it's been working throughout the past month.

Not for me.  The libraies sub categories were out of sync for quite a while.  That is fixed and the only part still broken is that the personal daily download pages haven't totalled for the same period and still don't.  Trust me if you will, it is not my caches.  Is it the endo f the world? Of course not, but little irritations mount and over time, it is just a feeling of things coming apart.  It adds to the frustration when you say it is not happening.

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